About me

“….wool is very far from beautiful on the on the creature’s back…it is all matted and dirty, often fairly covered with filth. It must take a good many processes…to change that foul and tangled fleece into the beautiful skeins of all colors…” The Secret of Everyday Things -Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre


I am a mama of two cubby cheeked girls. Once upon a time I spent my free time knitting and sewing and creating. Now I struggle with the feeling that all I create is more mess, more dishes, more laundrY in my effort to be a goodenough stay at home parent. But alas I love my role at home and try to find the balance between keeping up with the house work and parenting and keeping myself sane (by staying sane I mean finding time to create and sustain my identity as a creative being). This  blog is about anything and everything relating to handmade, homemade, gardening, parenting, and the other random bits that make it here.

contact me at tangledfleece@gmail.com


§ 5 Responses to About me

  • yes , I am an earth muffin and I do carry cloth (reusable) bags to the market. I recycle the plastic bags that I do get .hat I do is only a drop in the bucket but if we’de all save a drop we’d soon have a bucket full!

  • Alice Eads says:

    Fabulous website, photos, creativity and personality. I checked out ALL the archives.

    Y’all (I’m from Texas) look like candidates for the one thing project that they’re just testing out the website. http://www.onething.zazengo.com

    What a ‘find’. Think I’ll go see if I can find my knitting needles and start a…scarf.

  • Love your site Katie. I, like Alice, explored all of the archives. I began knitting again this Spring when I began looking for a home to purchase. Yesterday I closed escrow in Bellingham, WA. I hope to do a lot of weaving in the Great Pacific Northwest beginning in January. You are an inspiration to me. Keep on, keepin’ on. Love, Aunt Charlotte

  • I would love to learn to knit someday. Not sure where to start!

  • tangledfleece says:

    Country Man’s Wife, I mostly learned to knit from books and now there is so much info online too. Local yarn stores are a great place to take classes or just get some face to face help. Give it a try, knitting is such a great skill and hobby.

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