The (urban snirt) Mitten

October 22, 2007 § 1 Comment

Knitting these mittens reminded me of Jan Brett’s The Mitten, only the mitten might get lost in the the snirt (snow+dirt) of the city, not the pristine white snow of the storybook. I was going to take another photo of a big mitten pre-felting but I was too excited to shrink them up. I’m not sure what animals would take refuge inside an urban snirt mitten, but around her it would certainly include big spiders, beavers, and slugs. Before felting, the mittens looked like a squirrel may have tried them on.

Post-felting the mittens should be just the right size for an urban boy (who may or may not loose one in the snirt). They are drying now so I should have photos soon. The mittens are the first wearable felted knit that I have made, so I hope they are both the same size. The pattern is from Felted Knits by Beverly Galeskas. I like a lot of the patterns in this book and plan to make more mittens and some slippers soon too.

§ One Response to The (urban snirt) Mitten

  • Emily Cenzano says:

    Alas, now that I am back north I may need my good friend Katie to make me a new pair of mittens?! Ooh, slippers sound cozy! Now I want to go shopping for mittens and slippers since I am not as talented as you. Although, I did what an episode of Martha a while back where she used an old wool sweater to make some nifty mittens. I do believe my mother has some old sweaters from way back in the 70s she may be willing to part with.

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